Celebrating Rebecca Cook achieving Child Panel Accreditation

We’re proud to announce that Rebecca has been admitted on to the Law Society Children’s Panel, such accreditation allowing her to represent children by way of their Guardian’s in both Public and Private law proceedings.  We congratulate her on her hard work in being admitted onto the panel!

Rebecca Cook joined our firm 2 years ago with a strong commitment to family law. Her pursuit of child accreditation status showcases her dedication to developing her knowledge in relation to representing children within the family courts. This rigorous process demands extensive legal knowledge and a detailed understanding of the complex area of Child Law.

The Importance of Child Accreditation

Child accreditation status demonstrates that a practitioner has an in depth and robust understanding of the law and ensures that the children’s best interests and voice are heard within the Court process.

Looking Ahead

We celebrate Rebecca Cook ‘s achievement and look forward to the positive impact she will continue to make. Her dedication sets a high standard for all of us, emphasising the importance of continuous learning and commitment to our clients.

Please join us in congratulating Rebecca Cook on this well-deserved milestone. We are proud to have her on our team and excited for the future.

Contact Us

For more information about our family law services, contact Daniel Woodman Solicitors at 01179679800 or email info@danielwoodman.co.uk . We’re here to provide expert legal support every step of the way.

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