We’re pleased to announce that Daniel Woodman & Co have recently been awarded the LEAP Best Practice Standard accreditation for our outstanding conveyancing services.
This recognition allows us to highlight our forward-thinking modern approach to conveyancing and the satisfaction of our existing clients.
What is the LEAP Best Practice Standard Accreditation?
When a company receives the LEAP Best Practice Standard (BPS) accreditation, it is recognised as providing an outstanding level of service to its clients.
This includes effective and friendly communication at all times, a reduction in the risks involved, and an efficient and streamlined timeline that allows valued clients to get the results they need without confusion or stress.
By using cutting-edge technology with innovation, hard work and excellent customer service, these conveyancing teams also generate cost and time savings for their clients whilst also maintaining a transparent and honest approach to conveyancing.
Who is LEAP?
LEAP is an organisation which creates award-winning legal case management software that helps law firms to work more efficiently and profitably. Recognised with both an award for innovation and Supplier of the Year at the British Legal Technology Award, LEAP is a brand you can trust.
LEAP offers integrated and efficient, high-tech cloud-based solutions which allow lawyers to efficiently manage client cases whilst meeting the high security standards required by law.
Whenever you’re looking for a reliable conveyancing solicitor that gets you results, look for the LEAP Best Practice Standard badge.
What does this accreditation mean for our clients?
The LEAP accreditation demonstrates that we offer our clients the highest quality of service, have innovative processes in place and use the latest state-of-the-art technology to help you purchase, sell or transfer your property.
Here’s what some of our existing clients have said about our services:
Whether you need help with your sale, purchase or transfer, we can take care of your conveyancing needs in an efficient, timely and friendly way and without hidden fees or surprises.
Get in touch at any time to find out more about our conveyancing services.